2017 Oasis Arts Festival – Minor Making Movies
Posted on February 23, 2017 by Omar Leyva No comments

Hello Community!
So much has been happening! My partner Jane park Smith and I have been working with a non-profit organization called Oasis Center International on a pilot program called Minors Making Movies. They have helped us with our mission to empower kids to believe that they can change the world. With Osasis, we just finished “Minors Making Movies”, a CA State Approved film-making program that allowed us to bring industry professionals to a group of amazing elementary school kids that some only think of as “at-risk” in a community known to be a “food desert”.
I have documented the entire process over the last four months and am finishing a short documentary that we will be presenting at the “2017 Oasis Arts Festival” this February 25th, 2017 at 1:00PM at Saddleback High School. Everyone is invited to come to the festival free of charge. EATS will be anchoring the event with Jane and I presenting the kids films, Two of our E.A.T.S. Films, and the documentary I worked on. We will present it here on our website as well.
This is a very special moment for us and that’s why I have been aiming at finishing our new website by the time this event takes place. A passion project to do good in the world takes shape by the generosity of many and we are always so thankful to those who join us. Empowering the next generation of creatives while teaching them about filmmaking and sustainability is a worthwhile effort that we take very seriously.
Please follow us across all our social media outlets and start sharing your recipes that focus on healthier and sustainable options.
Festival Notes:
1-2:00pm (outdoor festivities including Taiko Drumming and tasty samples)
2-3:45pm (indoor stage performances including EATS presentation and kids’ showcase!)
Below are some images from our Minor Making Movies pilot program: